Jennifer Ficarrotta Appointed to BLSE
We are proud to announce that Florida Bar President Gary Lesser has appointed Jennifer Ficarrotta to serve as a member of the Board of Legal Specialization & Education, a 17-member standing committee of The Florida Bar. The BLSE administers the Bar’s board certification program, which identifies attorneys who have substantial experience and have demonstrated special knowledge, skills and proficiency in certified areas of practice and professionalism and ethics in the practice of law.
Jennifer is Florida Bar board certified in Marital & Family Law and served as a member of the Marital & Family Law Certification Committee from 2019 to 2022. She chaired the committee in 2020.
The BLSE oversees the work of all the certification committees. The committees are responsible for proposing criteria for earning and renewing certification, reviewing applications, developing and grading examinations, and recommending to the BLSE certification for attorneys who have met both the minimum standards imposed by the certification plan and the particular standards in the practice area. The BLSE also has oversight responsibility for the evaluation of all continuing legal education accreditation applications, and member compliance with the Continuing Legal Education Requirement and Basic Skills Course Requirement.