Appellate Victories for Alex Caballero and Andrew Reder

Congratulations to SBCF partners Alex Caballero and Andrew D. Reder on their recent victories in Florida’s Second District Court of Appeal. In Rolle v. Rolle (2D19-2918) and Allen v. Allen (2D20-1199), Alex won his appeals when the Second District Court affirmed the trial courts’ rulings. In A.H. v. A.B. (2D19-4640), Andrew also won his appeal when the Second District Court held, “We affirm the rulings regarding parental responsibility, decision-making authority, and timesharing without comment.”

When a family law case is appealed, the court of appeal reviews the record of the trial and decides whether the judge’s decision at the trial level should be affirmed or reversed. In these cases, Alex and Andrew were successful in persuading the appellate court to affirm the trial courts’ rulings. Congrats to our clients, Alex, and Andrew on these important victories!

Alex Caballero Andrew D. Reder